Monday, May 19, 2008


Yesterday, we had the 58th graduation commencement ceremony at our university. One of my friends was graduating this summer, so I attended it.

The graduates were being recognized in order of their respective fields. One student from the Arts and Sciences college was honored with a doctoral degree. He was selected as a representative from the class and he spoke a few words about his experience at the university.

He was a poet and had already published a couple of books . This probably made me a little interested in his speech and I was very eager to listen to his words . He walked up to the stage with a peaceful look on his face , (which I thought was very unlikely, since quite obviously in front of such a huge audience, anyone would be a little nervous!)

He said.." first and foremost , I would like to thank my dynamic, beautiful and charming novelist wife sitting right in front of me, for every reason why I am here today!"There was a momentary silence all over the place , and then a loud applause followed.

The way he started his speech surprised me. I have a good reason to say that. I have seen people recognize and acknowledge parents, teachers and many others who have influenced them, had a say in their success and so on..but this was something new to me and I haven't seen too many people do it. its about acknowledging their partner. it goes so much to say it and infact do it. living under the same roof for years, knowing someone inside out, take all bad and good from the person (ofcourse it is mutual!) is something worth realizing and should be recognised once in a while.

'RECOGNITION' is something that is very important in everyones life. for some, it merely defines the purpose of life, or the presence of a living thing ( it sure is in a very narrow sense), but for some it is 'LIFE'!
I remember studying a sloka in sanskrit from the famous 'Bhartrihari subhashitani' about recognition and acknowledgement. It says,

"priyam kritvA mounam sadasi kathanam chApyapakriteh" -

' great people keep silent about the good they did (i.e no self praise), but recognise and praise others for their smallest good deeds in front of an assembly'

I have seen people live and die in depression for not being recognised . It is a very simple reason, but it still demanded 'life'! I used to ask myself, can anything be pathetic than that?

It takes a small effort from anyone. I have learnt a big lesson from that small sloka 12 years ago, and such incidents keep reminding me of it. If someone deserves a 'recognition', a small token of appreciation, and you realize it, please do give it, it is just a few words away. No loss guaranteed!! Life is so small..those little moments of joy can probably never come back!!